Will my Depop store get banned by using Sales Bot?

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Will my Depop store get banned by using Sales Bot?
"Sales Bot for Depop is a money-making machine!" - Monika Consunji
"Super helpful! Allows me to refresh my 150+ listings all at once" - Helen Pewther
"Sales Bot is instrumental in growing my store. Incredibly happy with my purchase!" - Justin Mapanao
"Sales Bot is like my own personal assistant for my Depop!" - Amanda Gonzalez
"Definitely worth buying, I made $1500 and got 10k followers in a month!" - Tony

What are the risks when using Sales Bot for Depop?

This post is about fair use of the Sales Bot for Depop Chrome Extension.

Will Depop ban my store for using Sales Bot?

No, as long as you are a responsible & careful user. All users must agree to our terms & conditions and read our disclaimer that states you agree to use Sales Bot at your own risk and therefore Sales Bot (Province Innovation Ltd) is not liable for any loss of business and/or damages incurred.

Firstly, make sure you familiarise yourself with the Depop Terms & Conditions (https://depophelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360001773148-Terms-of-Service).

We DO NOT recommend, nor condone using our tool for spam messaging purposes. Please respect other user's right to privacy and only reach out to someone if you feel they will have a genuine interest in something you are selling.We DO NOT recommend using Sales Bot to automate following users in more than one tab at once. Take frequent breaks.

The ethics of Sales Bot for Depop

Some sellers are concerned that using  Sales Bot for Depop might be considered cheating and shouldn’t be allowed on the platform. But is it? Depop.com protects itself from unethical behaviour by banning users who do crazy stuff. You will get permanently restricted or banned on the platform if you do things like that on a regular basis. So, we recommend that you use Sales Bot in a fair way where you do not go beyond what Depop deems unethical.

Refresh your listings on Depop.